Performance of intelligent service in the midst of democracy system is paradoxical nature. In one side democracy requiring freedom for getting both public and transparency democracies, but in other side, as any sovereignty state, intelligent is a requirement for mapping some potencies and threat resources which may disturb stability of state and nation.
Some last months, any problem being still polemic in community is controversy of Intelligent Bill validation. In so far, the main difference among pros and contras group related with duty and authority of intelligent sercice which with had been evaluated to violate human rights potentially. Nevertheless, necessarily, to be cared with is supervision mechanism to performance and implementation of authority of state intelligent supervision. It is integral part of manifesting professional and proportional state intillegent system.
In Intelligent Bill to be still discussed by executive and legislative, function of intelligent service supervision had not been regulated by state powerfully, specially, which have comprehensive character by involving community and structure from bottom to up levels.
Mechanism of leveled supervision is any mechanism of intelligent service mechanism offered within framework of democracy governmental system of this state. Leveled supervision mechanism is any concentric supervision system conducted by some services and institutions where consequential supervision conducted by any service to be covered by following level service supervision. Such leveled supervision is conducted by placing supervision against state intillegent in central circle point is aimed at ensuring and increasing politic, law, and financial accountability.
Operationally, leveled supervision consist of some leveled supervisions. At the first level, state intillegent services should any ethic code of intrlligent profession, it is set of behavior regulations is deemed necessary to realize any duty or function based on principles of honesty and moral properness. Ethic code of intillegent professions may cover statement of state and constitution adherence, loyal and subject under prevailing legislations, to enforce democracy and human rights values, pay promise to kept both professional secrecy, political neutrality (non-partisan ship), having integrity, objectivity and impartiality of information evalution and trusty among policy makers and intelligent officers each other. This ethic code of intelligent to be base for immediate supervision implementation in intelligent service. This ethic code of intelligent will be manifested by any professional work ethos supported by existence of human resource developmental system of intelligent prioritizing professionalism, appreciation mechanism and heavy sanction.
At second level, Presiden should establish supervision mechanism for intelligent services enabling government to (1) get information on intelligent function implementation; (2) control intelligent operations in special nature; (3) to regulate intelligent cooperation with international or foreign parties: and (4) to prevent from possible authorization abuse. This executive supervision may be realized optimally, if in the beginning President forms strict operational framework of intelligent services covering tasking and reporting mechanism. This tasking and reporting mechanism is formed to ensure that intelligent service is remain governmental instruments which may not give task to their services.
At third level, supervision to intelligent institution is conducted by legislative. It is realized for: (1) prevent of special authorization abuse of intelligent; (2) to increase work effectiveness of intelligent services, and (3) to increase political accountability of intelligent activities. Specially, legislative has interest in terms of rule of law principle enforcement within framework of intelligent service performance. Additionally, legislative also conduct supervision against budget used by intelligent service so that, it follows regulations as had been set forth in state budget previously.
At fourth level, supervision mechanism is conducted by civil society. Supervision at this level is conducted by society through state supporting institutions and civil society organizations. Those cover and unlimited to Ombudsman, National Committee of Human Rights (Komnas Ham), National Committee of Children (Komnas Anak), National Committee of Female (Komnas Perempuan) and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). It is aimed at forming strong citizenship protection mechanism to prevent of systematic collection efforts to make citizens as subject of intelligent activities. Such immunity rights should be strengthened by state through establishment of citizenship protection mechanism. This mechanism may be applied by two methods: the empowerment of local customs structure where in New Order era it had urdergone administrative standardization process, and to apply mechanism enabling society to consolidate social actively and emancipatively.
Existence of such leveled mechanism significantly, it is wished to increase state intelligent performance in iniating some intelligent activity. Intelligent activity is conducted in order to bring about some intelligent products which may increase state strategic readiness manifested by strengthening early warning and strategic information analysis system in field of national security. As part of early warning system the intelligent activity is aimed at collecting, managing and evaluating information related with threat resources against national security. As part of strategic information analysis systems, intelligent activity aimed at bringing about data base through any deep strategic analysis regarding motive, purpose, identity, organizational structure and weakness of potential threat resources.
Ideally, state intelligent system is manifested by establishment and performance of intelligent service within framework democratic political system based on professional and proportional principles. Those two components may be measured by any indicator, it is leveled supervision mechanism.
Leveled supervision mechanism gave role and accountability to all supporting components for sake of state intelligent manifestation which able to give maximal early warning system. Also it mandates public transparency and accountability which assist society in order to control performance effectiveness of intelligent in Indonesia continuously.
Trauma wiht abuse of intelligent service function in the course of New Order era, it is still trauma for society in Indonesia, Solely, it is not as result of huge authorization of intelligent service, but also supervision factor which may not enable, in present democracy era, it should be corcerned more farer how to structure function and supervision for sake of achieving professional and proportional intelliegtn service.
Hipolitus Wangge
Research Fellow
Center for Global Civil Society Studies (PACIVIS-University of Indonesia)
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
University of Indonesia
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