
Saturday, June 9, 2012


Indonesia National Army (TNI) is the frontline in defending the territorial sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). As a major defense component, the military sought to strengthen its military capability into a more respected and formidable form of military force in the world, particularly in Southeast Asia.

However, despite some efforts to build a solid force, the military also must improve itself, given the number of problems that tarnished the professionalism of the TNI in this country.

Amid a number of problems facing the nation today, the TNI continues to conduct internal reforms. The process is still ongoing, although some people still doubt that the internal reforms. There are some records that need to be seen

However, a number of achievements can be seen from several indicators. First, this year, The Defense Ministry with the TNI Headquarters finalizes the plan of Indonesia's defense (which defense strategy should meet the minimum essential force / MEF) until 2024. The main obstacle which had been inhibited in the realization of the MEF is the budget requirements. Since 1966 until now, the defense budget tends to decrease, even no more than 1% of GNP. Ironic, considering that the average defense budget of the other countries in the Asia Pacific region have reached up to more than 1% of their GNP.

However, in 2012, the national defense budget will increase, although not significant. Good faith of the Government and Parliament should be appreciated. In the 2012 draft budget, defense spending is allocated to 64, 4 trillion rupiah. The budget is 35.7% up from the year 2011, which was 47, 5 trillion rupiah. In the Ministry / Agency Work Plan and Budget (RKA-KL) 2012, Ministry of Defense to obtain share for 3.33 trillion rupiah budget, Headquarters to obtain a budget of 7.12 trillion rupiah, the Army Headquarters to acquire a budget of 28.8 trillion dollars, the Navy Headquarters to obtain a budget of 13.6 trillion rupiah, and the Air Force Headquarters would get for about 11.4 trillion rupiah. For the next five years, the government will distribute 150 billion for strengthening major weapons systems equipment. By increasing the budget, it means that the implementation of planning MEF will be well-facilitated.

Second, this year, the ministry of defense attempts to re-invigorate the performance of national defense industries. Increasing the quantity and quality of the domestic defense industrial production will greatly affect the performance of the TNI as a major component of defense in performing their duties. Commitment of government and Parliament to strengthen the defense industries is clearly visible in meeting the needs of military defense equipment. Fulfillment of defense equipment, the bulk should come from domestic defense industries than those imported from abroad. It could be seen from the demand from the army for military rockets in 1000 to be produced by PT. Pindad for the next 3 years.

Third, this year, third-generation update of military weapon system has gained in maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia territory. Army personnel had had six multipurpose transport helicopter of type M1-17 V5 from Russia. Helicopter air wing will strengthen the ground forces, and will be served to support military operations of war (OMP) or military operations other than war (OMSP). This year the Navy successfully tested Russian-made supersonic anti-ship missiles Yakhont, last April. These missiles are a medium range types that can achieve a maximum distance of 350 miles in six minutes. The missile is capable of providing vibration effects for countries around Indonesia. Meanwhile, for the Air Force itself, this year is the momentum of the resurrection. Moreover, the Air Force awarded a grant 24 types of aircraft the F-16 Block 25, where 6 of them will be upgraded to F-16 block 52 of the United States. F-16 fighter aircraft will then be used to keep the Homeland airspace by conducting observations and monitoring, especially in the points leading the Homeland. Furthermore, this year, the Air Force has also inaugurated the use of helicopter simulators Superpuma NAS 332. That is the first simulator for the Air Force that will support the skills and abilities in performing tasks of military and non-military helicopter pilots.

Besides the three above progress, this year marks 13 years of national security sector reform. Security sector reform is an attempt to put all components of national security to perform the role and functions as mandated by the constitution. TNI becomes a major actor, given the task of national defense become the principal task of the TNI, while the role of police is safeguarding national security.

Some of the reformation agenda that has not been resolved among other things is the implementation of a number of national regulations related to the military, such as military businesses, reform of military justice, and abuse of human rights.

Mandate related to the military takeover by the government and the abolition of the military's business contained in Law no. 32/2004 on the TNI. In Article 2 of the law explains that the professionalism of the TNI is not business related. Meanwhile, in article 76 the same law, requiring all military businesses takeover shall be conducted over 5 years since enacted in 2004. Following up on the mandate of the law, the President established the National Team of Military Business takeover through Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No.7/2008. In 2009 before the deadline for the takeover, the government issued Presidential Regulation No. 43/2009 related to military business conquest. So far, in the field, there still contained a number of military businesses that have not been touched, such as Engineering at private firms, foundations and some other forms.

In two recent regulations, there has not seen a strong commitment from the government to take over the military's business. This example can be seen from lack of transparency from the takeover team, especially on data related to a number of military businesses.

Second, reform of military court of justice. So far, the military court in Indonesia is still far from the standard of equal justice before the law. In some cases a trial of gross violations of human rights committed by military forces, the final verdict is still heavily influenced by the command line, not based on the principles of justice and fairness before the law. The result, many military personnel involved in the case, such severe persecution that resulted in death, just gets a prison sentence of not more than 3 years. Ironic, because it’s based on Act number 49 of 2009, the military court should be under the authority of the judiciary and is under the supervision of the Supreme Court.

Third, human rights abuse committed by military forces against civilians. Based on data from National Human Rights Commission, in March 2011, the number of military violence is reported to reach 38 cases. The amount still describes the maintained repressive cultures approach towards civil society. Despite the inclusion of the concept of human rights in military education curriculum, however, the correlation of education and human rights implementation in the field is still not connected.

In times to come, the military is expected to not only become a major defense component in implementing the task of maintaining the sovereignty of Republic of Indonesia, but also able to run it professionally and proportionately according to the spirit of Sapta Marga.

Hipolitus Yolisandry Ringgi Wangge
The writter is a Project Officer for Civil Society Studies at Pacivis, University of Indonesia

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